Saturday 12 May 2012

Extended tandem breastfeeding? or not?

I'm rather shattered but i need to get this out my system, I've been rolling through my google read list and obviiuosly theres loads of articles about the Times cover, yea its ridiculous, magazine covers genraly are, thats not what annoyed me.
On my last post i mentioned tandem nursing, i will totally get completely into my views and questions of that soon, but not right now... or mayb i'm so tired i'll just rant on..ok rant it is, be prepared for rambling!
 Anyway, this is related- Ive been trying to research extended feeding so today looking at these Times articles Im expecting interesting, helpful views.... but no its mostly arguing mum war rubbish, so i'm clicking on ' related' articles, some even titled ' why i extended breastfeeding' and ' thinking of extended breastfeeding' these titles grab my attention, but im annoyingly dissapointed, these 'extended' breastfeeding mothers only breast fed to 18-22months which is GREAT, Im so happy to hear that more ppl went so long, in my real world not many people made it to a year.
 However, I didnt consider 18months as extended, dont ask me why, but it didnt occur to me that I'm already doing it! 
I wanted, needed, to find articles on 2years plus, over the recommendation to breastfeeding, past when its considered 'needed' to health proffesionals and society. Thats what extended should be.
Gosling is already 20months and as I'm planning a pregnancy soon, i was expecting her to wean during the first trimester, when it just so happens she'll be 2years (or slightly over).
 My hope is that because she will have made it to the 'recommended' age i won't feel too guilty, because i'm basiclly forcing her off my milk by getting pregnant. I love her beyond anything and although I've justified her stopping the milk part of me fears that she'll be horribly frustrated, wanting my milk but being tortured with something that doesnt taste right, and being forced to stop.
How do others cope? how bad was it? or did they carry on regardless?
She only comfort feeds a few times a day and one good feed in the morning, its the best thing in the world to have her come into our bed at 7am and feed and cuddle so we can all wake up together at a nice pace. Goslings so independant and active that our quick feeds are our main cuddle times, so I'm also afraid we wont be as close.
 What i need to know is, would it be so bad if, and is it really possible, to carry on through out pregnancy? i have no doubt she'd stop at nursery age, or at least only have morning, or her pr-ebed time 2 minute feed, she often goes without me when she stays at grannys all sunday, i even went away for a whole weekend.  I know she wont be jealous of a newborn, she loves bring dollys to me for a feed, and even 'breastfeeds' them herself! <3
 She only 'needs' mummy milk when shes ill, or teething, which atm happens often, like every other week. I'm totally torn and ive been reading and reading but in the end i do think its Gosling who will decide whether she can get thru the pregnancy and if she'll carry on, i just need to be full prepared and decide whether i should be encouraging her to carry on, or to stop.

 ( this is us cuddled up breastfeeding, she let go long enough to smile at me, who would't want that sweet girl cuddled up for a nutritous snack?)

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