Monday 20 May 2013

20 weeks scan, finally!

I was so nervous the last few days I'm 21weeks was so excited and have longed for this seemingly forever lol!
 Gosling was coming with us, she's been so excited, but it did make me worry more  about what if some things wrong, how will I put on a brave face an explain it to her? Had an anxious tummy all morning but managed to make myself eat though!

so at the scan, we got told....

its a BOY!!! 

Annoyingly though I couldn't focus on that and get excited right away because my lazy child wouldn't turn over properly though so I have to go have to go back to get heart valve pictures, or veins, erm forgotten :/ she said it all looked fine but she couldn't get a picture at that angle.
And mot worryingly, I was told my placenta maybe low and I have to go back at 36weeks to get checked, my scan next week might decide whether I need to go back again.

Had pretty much convinced myself to have a home birth now I've been told my placenta looks like it may be low. She mentioned it as we were leaving so I didn't get to ask more.
 If next weeks shows its higher they wont do another one but if its low like she thought, and hasn't moved by 36weeks, that means a  csection :(
I'm really bummed out as I so desperately want a natural birth, after ending with a forceps delivery last time, and I was getting excited at having Gosling there as she really wants to see the baby pop out, now there is a chance I'll be having a csection, I won't even be able to video it and won't be able to go home right away. actually make that crushed not bummed.
Dunno how I'm going to explain this to Gosling, she'll be so disappointed.
Of course after doing some research I've found that most people who have a low placenta at this stage find its moved by the the 32+wk scan so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and trying to just look forward to seeing my little boy again.

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