Saturday 22 September 2012

so much so fast!

Its so cliche, but time truly fly when your a parent!
I so wanted to record every thought and feeling like a true 'blogger', having failed to keep a diary. But by the time I have a quiet moment to reflect and relax, I'm far too tired to coherently type.
Being a public but personal blog I'm torn between wanting to ramble just to clear my head, and actually wanting to write in an intelligent readable and entertainin manner. I'll probably be switching alot depend on the day of the week!
In the time I haven't been blogging, Goslings grown up so much, before I started this blog I was concerned about her speech, not majorly, just normal mum worries of why she wouldn't say anyting other then animal noises. Now shes using sentences! she tells me little storys about her day, she can tell me exactly what she'd like to snack on, and where she wants to go and who she wants to see. She understand instruction accurately and is getting very good at sharing.
 Shes turned two years old and is still breastfeeding, she was ill a few months ago so we re-introduced bedtime feeding, and when she got better we had to wean her off again. Bed times are never a sure thing for easiness, but atm we are enjoying cuddles and storys and only a short rocking before in her cot to pat her bum to sleepy land.
Shes amazingly good at swimming, took to the water like a fish! Shes so happy when she knows we're going swimming, singing 'swimmmingswiiiiiimming' the whole way there.
She taken very well to being carried in a back sling, after a few practises at home she finally decided she enjoyed it when we went for a walk in the woods. I've decided I absolutely hate the buggy! sure its good for shopping, but the ease of baby on your back and walking freely, well, i wanna right my review/experience in another blog.
 When we're going out with the carrier now I ask her to climb on, she crys out with excitement ' yeay! mummy, clipclopclipclop', shes ready for a horsey ride, hehe! Now hoping to order more, and we're very excited.
And talking of excitement, or lack of it, we're still not pregnant. I literally ache to be pregnant. My last period was 3weeks late. That was three weeks of absolute hell! Another thing I will rant at length about in another post.

Well, hopefully will be spamming with posts when myl aptop comes back next week!

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