Wednesday 13 June 2012

TTC, science, or cervical mucus?

Busy busy!
 We're officially TTC, I took my last pill on the first of the month. I've been using ovulation tests in hopes of getting pregnant without a period, I was lucky enough to do that by chance the last time we TTC, but this time i wanted to be prepared, and we are hoping for a boy!
Of course we'd love either sex, a girl would be handy as two sisters of close age can share a room when they're older, but having a boy would mean one of each! no pressure to have more, no worrying that we'll never have a boy.
Otherwise our next pregnancy/s we'll be desperately hoping for a boy, and secretly feeling guilty from disappointment each time its a girl. Sad but true, I love gosling more then anything in the world, but when her 20week scan revealed a girl, we hadn't expected it, and felt a low as a result, we'd been so sure we'd have a boy first, a big brother to look over his siblings.
Well, Goslings tough enough, she'll be a fab big sister!
So, ovultion tests. £20 for 7tests, with a possible 14days i could ovulate in. I'm not so good with maths but I'm sure thats not good odds. or good for the bank. And to add to confusion, I know what the body does at ovultion, i know what my cervical mucus will be like and how my cerivix will feel. Well, I've  already had the the 'symptoms', but all tests have been negative. *sigh* So now its the age old question, to trust..

 Science, or Cervical Mucus?

Now taking bets, and dieing to take a pregnancy test! I might crack and take one just 10days after ttc, and I'll definatly update with the results.

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