Saturday 30 June 2012

NEGNEGNEG!!! or not?

 I'm finally back again. I've been super busy, running after a toddler, watching 'Game of Thrones' (its totally awesome), giving recieving and reading adviceand chatter on FB breastfeeding support pages, 'making babies' with Mr.Goose (also awesome, lol), and obsessing as to whether or not I'm pregnant.

I've taken about 5 tests in one month. Before TTC i took a pregnancy test just incase we'd already concieved, NEGATIVE. I took ovultain tests for a week. NEGATIVE. Ive given up ovulation tests. After my last post about Cervial Mucus, we carried on trying and at 10days I did a pregnancy test, NEGATIVE. Not only was it negative, but after I finished peeing on the stick and 'wiped' I found blood! I was so dissapointed! gutted, wasted preagnancy test and no baby :(

Later that day tho, I'd had no more bleeding, just a small amount of brownish discharge. So I went straight on google and found that it could be a symptom of ovulation! Took test, NEGATIVE. It could be pregnancy? NEGATIVE. Its also a symptom of Implantation! waited a week, test NEGATIVE. Later in the week I felt a bit sick in the evenings and very tired, could be ovultaion..... NEGATIVE. Could be pregnancy? I was all out of tests, I went to the family planning clinic who had me in last monday, NEGATIVE. The women told me that it was still possible to be pregnant from when i had CM, but still too early to tell (dispite what First Response would have me believe) I asked if I could come back next week? she said I could come back every 3 weeks. I decided then that I would take NO MORE TESTS until my appointment, might as well wait and have them for free right?

Since Wednesday I've had aches in my adnomen, much like period aches.. especially when nursing Gosling... and when I concieved her I had achey pains for a week before taking a test, and it was POSITIVE!!!

SO Ive now decided to take a test on sunday. I know its sad, but I'm no good at waiting! fingers toes, legs and every thing else crossed that its positive before i go crazy or bankrupt us!

sorry for spelling I'm rushed and the spell check won't work!

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