Monday 21 May 2012

Beautiful Breastfeeding

 how beautiful is this?! i need a proffesional shoot now too! lol.

Beautiful Breastfeeding

Reasons I love breastfeeding

This will be an on going, regularly updated list of why i love breastfeeding, with photos! (and when i get a better camera phone I'll update with better photos :P )

  • Last week Gosling had a fever, for most the week. She was off her food, and gave up her bedtime/nap time bottle of cows milk!

 ( i wasn't feeling too great either :P )

Was i worried about weight loss? losing nutrients? dehydration? 

It might not be as filling as toast,but it defiantly has everything she needs!

If your wondering what exactly is in BM, click here :
 so whats in breastmilk?

  • On an average day, I sleep badly, and am barely awake when I or my partner get Gosling from her room and put her in our bed  for our morning feed, this is the best time to feed her, it give me a chance to wake up at my own pace, get a cuddle and maybe a kiss, laugh, tickle, wrestle, and reconnect with DD after a night apart, and after we can go downstairs awake and ready to face the day!

This morning, for once, I woke before my  lovely lady, so when she woke up i was less passed out during her feed, lol! So i took some (unflattering) photos.

  • Playing in the park, there are two good reasons i love breastfeeding to do with playing in the park, and annoyingly i haven't managed to get photos so hopefully add them later! 
 We live round the  corner from the park, so some days when Ive finished cleaning and the garden seems a bit boring ( or we all ready played in it all morning!), after lunch I sometimes just grab Goslings lady bug bag, my sling, and my keys, an off we go to the park, yeay! after 30mins of playing, my lil adventurer gets thirsty... but I didn't grab her drink!!

^ no problem, mummy has milk on tap, when ever my girl needs a drink :D

reason two is more sad and even less likely to get a photo tho i will add one of her bump,, yes her bump! I'm an awful mummy who let her poor Gosling fall over and bounce her face off the park floor, causing her to have a large (totally not amusing) bump, in the pattern of the park floor! My poor Bum had that horrible open mouth silence just before the screaming started so you know its serious!

 a few hours later, pattern bruise! :(

Well, straight onto boobies! Instant comfort, everything calm, and a chance to check her head, first feeling shocked, then unable to stop giggling with all the mums about her very pretty bump! Yes we're very mean, but i hope Gosling does learn to laugh at herself, while mummy kisses the booboo away. <3

Friday 18 May 2012

Goslings strabismus

 Gosling has been wearing glasses for almost 3months now, shes done amazingly well keeping them on for the first 2 an a half months, but the last week or so shes been looking over the glasses, and taking them off more in the last few days. My hope is that her eye sight has improved and thats why she doesnt like them, when we first put them on her it seemed like she actually liked it, she happily nodded when we asked her if she wanted her glasses in the morning. now she seems indiffrent to them, shes not bother if they come off. It could just be boredom of them, but fingers crossed its improvement. she has her second eye appointment in june. we have to go back every 3months to check her eyes.
 I say EYES because though she has a strabismus, shes also long sighted, very long sighted apparently, and its unclear whether the eye turning was caused by her eye sight, or if her sight has been damaged by the strabismus, the left  eye by turning, the right eye by compensating.
Strabismus runs in my family, my brother got glasses at just before he was 3 i believe, he also had to wear patches as the eye had become lazy, and eventually had to have an operation to correct the turn. It still turns in without his glasses.
When I first noticed Goslings eye turn i hoped i was imagining it, that i was being paranoid. but when my partner mentioned it i took her straight to the doctor, who confirmed that yes it was turning,and no that's never good. Children don't out grow an eye turn. sometimes the eye might look like its turning but its actually just set differently, but if the eye is defiantly turning then it needs to be fixed before the brain stops trying to correct it and the eye becomes, lazy, and if that's not fixed then the eye will lose all sight, like my uncle.
Obviously this all really upset me, and it was 2weeks before we got our referral letter, then a month before our first appointment. During that time the eye turned more frequently and more dramatically. It broke my heart to see it.
I started using flash cards to encourage the eye to focus and follow, doing gesture songs more often and anything i could think of to improve hand eye co-ordination. And in the last few weeks before the appointment her eye seemed to improve. i was hoping they'd say she just needed more eye therapy or a patch to make the eye stronger.
Instead i was told that 18month old needed glasses. I was crushed, thinking it would be battles to keep them on, that she'd hate it, that she wouldn't be able to roll about and jump and wrestle or she'd hurt herself on them.
I was wrong though. She was happy to wear them, the improvement noticeable in minutes and the thick, horrible nose piece i hated protects her from bashing her nose.
The fact that she got caught so early is good, all the doctors were impressed I'd noticed so young and although they couldn't say whether she'd permanently be long sighted they're positive they eye won't become 'lazy' and she shouldnt need and operation. They said each appointment should show an improvement and as she gets older the tests will be more accurate. I'm actually lucky they saw her at all, when I'd been research it all the sights suggested that under two years is too young.
I did hate seeing those huge ugly glasses on her, everyone said she was cute in them but it took a while to see it, at first the only thing that consoled me was when one of my best, brutally honest friends said to me ' those glasses are awful, she'll hate the pictures when shes a teenager!' that made me laugh, (i guess i have a cruel sense of humour :P ) and I realised that it wont be long before we can pick out prettier, big girl glasses instead of the baby ones (which are still too big since shes so young!) or even, if we're lucky,  she might not need them at all.
For now though, shes a silly, brave, fearless, geeky (loves books an watching manga), car loving, muddy puddle jumping, rawring, awesome lil girl. And the only thing the glasses change is the size of the beautiful, now even bigger, eyes <3 

to read more about her condition please click the link below

 not even the worst photo :(

 much better! loves you x

Saturday 12 May 2012

Extended tandem breastfeeding? or not?

I'm rather shattered but i need to get this out my system, I've been rolling through my google read list and obviiuosly theres loads of articles about the Times cover, yea its ridiculous, magazine covers genraly are, thats not what annoyed me.
On my last post i mentioned tandem nursing, i will totally get completely into my views and questions of that soon, but not right now... or mayb i'm so tired i'll just rant on..ok rant it is, be prepared for rambling!
 Anyway, this is related- Ive been trying to research extended feeding so today looking at these Times articles Im expecting interesting, helpful views.... but no its mostly arguing mum war rubbish, so i'm clicking on ' related' articles, some even titled ' why i extended breastfeeding' and ' thinking of extended breastfeeding' these titles grab my attention, but im annoyingly dissapointed, these 'extended' breastfeeding mothers only breast fed to 18-22months which is GREAT, Im so happy to hear that more ppl went so long, in my real world not many people made it to a year.
 However, I didnt consider 18months as extended, dont ask me why, but it didnt occur to me that I'm already doing it! 
I wanted, needed, to find articles on 2years plus, over the recommendation to breastfeeding, past when its considered 'needed' to health proffesionals and society. Thats what extended should be.
Gosling is already 20months and as I'm planning a pregnancy soon, i was expecting her to wean during the first trimester, when it just so happens she'll be 2years (or slightly over).
 My hope is that because she will have made it to the 'recommended' age i won't feel too guilty, because i'm basiclly forcing her off my milk by getting pregnant. I love her beyond anything and although I've justified her stopping the milk part of me fears that she'll be horribly frustrated, wanting my milk but being tortured with something that doesnt taste right, and being forced to stop.
How do others cope? how bad was it? or did they carry on regardless?
She only comfort feeds a few times a day and one good feed in the morning, its the best thing in the world to have her come into our bed at 7am and feed and cuddle so we can all wake up together at a nice pace. Goslings so independant and active that our quick feeds are our main cuddle times, so I'm also afraid we wont be as close.
 What i need to know is, would it be so bad if, and is it really possible, to carry on through out pregnancy? i have no doubt she'd stop at nursery age, or at least only have morning, or her pr-ebed time 2 minute feed, she often goes without me when she stays at grannys all sunday, i even went away for a whole weekend.  I know she wont be jealous of a newborn, she loves bring dollys to me for a feed, and even 'breastfeeds' them herself! <3
 She only 'needs' mummy milk when shes ill, or teething, which atm happens often, like every other week. I'm totally torn and ive been reading and reading but in the end i do think its Gosling who will decide whether she can get thru the pregnancy and if she'll carry on, i just need to be full prepared and decide whether i should be encouraging her to carry on, or to stop.

 ( this is us cuddled up breastfeeding, she let go long enough to smile at me, who would't want that sweet girl cuddled up for a nutritous snack?)

Friday 11 May 2012


Friday mornings is TumbleTots day! Last week Gosling recieved her tshirt in the post and i was stupidly proud to put her into it! She also looked ridiculously pleased, and when i told her we were going to tumbletots she was so excited, making the 'tumble' sign with her hands, then shouting 'toohmmble' with her hands over her mouth, like she does when watching 'MrTumble' on cbeebies.. LOL! she thought we were going to see mr.tumble! She was so cute calling and calling him on the way there, luckily when we got there and she saw what we were really doing she wasnt the least dissapointed, she ran in like a crazy super child with amazing speed, agility and energy, i do love her soo much, and she gives me a good work out! she knows mummy needs to keep in shape for making babies, haha!
Tumbletots is a weekly memebers club with lots of climbing and balancing equipment and activitys to teach your child safe play and confidence, but since Gosling is such a fearless expert already that its more educational for me, reasurring and learning how capable she is, even if it does scare the hell outta me when she runs down the slide or climbs up ladders and runs across beams! She loves it so much though I'd happily take her every morning <3
Shes definatly feeling better today and was better yesterday too, I even managed to cut her hair! finally the lovely long , knotty straggles of hair are cut in to an awesomely cute bob, it took alot of patience from me and all afternoon to get it even since she would not keep still and hated the scissors, but its done and its short too so i wont have to do it too often, haha.


Wednesday 9 May 2012

teething and breastfeeding

Into May already! I've been taking my pre-natal pills and eating healthier...well except for the girls night we had friday and my sister is visiting which means one thing, BROWNIES!! lol.
I usually use the rule that as long as im keeping active (which when running after a my Gosling isnt too hard) then i won't worry too much about the odd treat, but 3 days of rain and a poorly teething toddler means i've been pretty lazy, so i did some stretches and squats to make up for it :P
We're starting to get cabin fever, but Gosling is poorly, she spent all weekend teething and being super tired bless her, and this morning has woken up all snotty and even fussier. Shes normally a very active, independant fearless,crazy child, which i love her so much for, she'll be a brilliant big sister! I hate seeing her just slumped in front of the tv and getting frustrated with everything. The only thing that makes her feel better is Mummys milk, which she has every morning in our bed and shes allowed through out the day whenever she wants, i offer her food or water so she can choose exactly what she wants, but if its mummy she wants it mummy she gets!
 Which is fine with me, except when shes teething bad like she was yesterday evening and this morning, she grinds her jaw, on me, and yes its as painful as it sounds! It makes a lovely 'ring' round my nipple, half is a dent, the other half is a bruise. Yesterday wasnt so bad, it was almost bedtime when she started grinding so i just had to distract her long enough to get her to bed, which Mr.Goose had to do to avoid her having a 'i need mummy milk' fit, which she only does when shes poorly and i feel so guilty that i cant do it thanks to the teething ring she'd left :( but she doesnt normally have my milk at bedtime anyway, and daddy goose gets her off so quick <3
So far this morning shes kept asking for milk but has managed on just my left, much less painful side, and now shes asleep, I'm hoping she'll wake up all better and ready to jump on the sofa and wrestle with me <3 love her so much and I will be so sad when she stops breastfeeding, which i both hope and dread she stops during the first trimester, but I'll write more on my thoughts of that later. she could wake up any minute and the house needs some attention :P

Saturday 5 May 2012

This is our blog :)

Starting june we'll be on the look out for pregnancy no2, and with that egg cosy in my 'nest', hormones and a toddler to chase, 9months will be too short! I'm so excited and have so many plans for this 'egg' and we havent even started 'trying' yet, lol! i loved my last pregnancy, but i didnt record it very well, its a small note book, short updates, but not long ramblings of my hopes, plans and struggles.

My inspiration for this blog comes from my 'research' over the last weeks, you could also call it 'obsessing' over birth storys and tandem and parenting blogs! Its great reading success storys,
So hears my blog, i apologise in advance for my poor spelling!